Operation Clambake

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Open Letter to Dr.Steve Abrams.

I emailed the letter below to Dr.Steve Abrams at after reading the BBC News report mentioned in the mail. Perhaps you should drop him a line too...

I notice that at you are quoted as saying "This is a great day for education." after the Board of Education's vote approved the new language criticising evolution by 6-4. Here in the UK we can only watch in saddened awe as you, your country, and worst of all, your children, are dragged down into the blinkered, dark of using theology to explain the universe around you. Your children, if they ever leave your borders, will be ill equipped to join the rest of the world in our search for knowledge. Your country will become as strange a backwater as the Afghanistan of the Taliban. Just as closed, just as fundamentalist. But what frightens me most is, much more powerful. As you, in your everyday life, use the fruits of the scientific method. Your computers, automobiles, textiles, buildings and medical services. And the myriad other wonders that science has given you. You decry the very method that has produced them. And in your selfishness, remove from your children, and their children, access to proper science uncoloured with your medieval superstitions. You Sir, are a coward! Unable to face the universe alone. You must use the crutch of religion so you may keep your fictitious father figure holding your poor, frightened little hand. It is time you grew up, took on the role of mankind. An eager, curious animal lucky to find itself in a universe full of majesty and wonder. More than enough for any man. Your theological mumbo jumbo pales into insignificance. Time to leave the nursery little boy...
Les. J. Hemmings Folkestone, UK

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Been Gone for a While.

Sorry all... no posts for a long long time. Nothing to post about? Hardly... with the Iraq war still decending into civil war. Iran and Syria in the frame. Bush's cronies starting to get busted over their lies about WMD and the malicious outing of CIA agents. There's been lots to post about.
It's been here at home, lifes little details. The things that mostly fill our minds. Health, love, money, work etc. These things need to be settled before you can turn your mind to the outside world.
I had an operation (Google Jeep Disease if your feeling brave), got over a bout of depression. (I think.. I hope..) with the aid of my partner Claire and a drug called Tramadol. Prescribed for the post operative pain but with the side effect of making my moods much like other peoples around me. No more stepping off of the precipice into that monochrome world of hurt and lonliness. These little capsules have saved my relationship, dropped 20 years off of my age, given me a future to look forward too and let me feel love again. Big claims for a what is a synthetic opiate not prescribed for depression. But i couldn't be without them.
It's not only me though. A friend of Claire's at her work has a partner who got prescribed Tramadol for Sciatica. When Claire mentioned Tramadol and my mood stabilisation she squeeled "What were they called?" It seems her partner has a huge alcohol problem, low self esteem and depression. When he takes Trmadol for his Sciatica he levels off into a loving, stable, nice bloke to be with.
Luckily, when Claire and I bowled into my doctors and told him the effects these capsules were having he agreed to continue prescribing them. Although he had never heard of the effects I was experiencing. I'm so glad he did. Life is good again. So perhaps my blogging will become a little more frequent with some personal stuff now I feel I can open my life a little to the outside world. I think you have to be settled inside before you can drop the barriers and let people in.
Anyway, it's good to be back :o)